How do I clean my DemerBox?

How to Clean Your DemerBox:

The dings and dents your DemerBox will acquire tell a story, but the dirt, salt, and grime can get kind of gross -

1. How to clean the exterior

  1. Insert Port Plug and wash DemerBox in the kitchen sink with a sponge and soapy water.
  2. Rinse with clean water. Don’t spray a forceful stream of water on the speakers or the switch.

Note: A Magic Eraser works great for getting tough smudges and marks clean. Rubbing alcohol is also a good option for cleaning the outside. 

2. How to clean the interior

  1. Turn the DemerBox off. Disconnect and remove all cables.
  2. Use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe out the inside of the DemerBox.
  3. Don’t drip water into the charge port, USB or 3.5mm stereo jack.
  4. Leave box open until it’s fully dry.

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